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Inventory of ten major favorable policies for new material industry

2021-07-31 管理员 Read 171

2016 is the opening year of China's 13th five year plan. Standing at the starting point of the new five year plan, a wave of policies related to the development of new material industry hit, with frequent hot spots, leading the "trend" of 2016. At the end of 2016, important good news came from the new material industry - in order to implement the manufacturing power strategy and accelerate the development of the new material industry, the State Council decided to establish a national new material industry development leading group, with Vice Premier Ma Kai as the group leader.

At the beginning of the new year 2017, the long-awaited new material development planning guide was jointly formulated and issued by the Ministry of industry and information technology, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of science and technology and the Ministry of finance. The development of the new material industry once again ushered in major good news and stood at the forefront of the development of strategic emerging industries.

Ten major favorable policies for new material industry in 2016-2017

1. The four ministries and commissions issued the guidelines for the development of new material industry and proposed nine key tasks

On January 23, 2017, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of science and technology and the Ministry of Finance jointly formulated and issued the development guide for new material industry. The guide proposes that by 2020, the development trend of large-scale and agglomeration of new material industry will basically take shape, break through the constraints of technical equipment in the fields of metal materials, composites and advanced semiconductor materials, and realize the industrialization and application of more than 70 kinds of key new materials in the fields of carbon fiber composites, high-quality special steel and advanced light alloy materials, Build a process equipment support system matching the development level of China's new material industry. Build a relatively perfect new material standard system, form a development pattern of new material industry promoted by multiple departments and coordinated development between the state and local governments, and have a number of new material enterprises with international influence.

2. Ma Kai was established as the leader of the national leading group for the development of new material industry

On December 28, 2016, in order to implement the manufacturing power strategy and accelerate the development of new material industry, the State Council decided to establish a national leading group for the development of new material industry (hereinafter referred to as the leading group). The group leader is Ma Kai, vice premier of the State Council. The specific responsibilities are to review the overall deployment and important planning for promoting the development of new material industry, comprehensively study major policies, major projects and important work arrangements, coordinate and solve key and difficult problems, and guide and urge all regions and departments to carry out solid work.

3. The State Council issued the 13th five year plan for the development of national strategic emerging industries

On December 19, 2016, signed and approved by Premier Li Keqiang, the State Council recently issued the national strategic emerging industry development plan for the 13th five year plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan), which made comprehensive arrangements for the development objectives, key tasks, policies and measures of China's strategic emerging industries during the 13th Five Year Plan period.

The plan points out that strategic emerging industries represent the direction of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and are the key areas to cultivate new driving forces for development and obtain new competitive advantages in the future. We should place strategic emerging industries in a more prominent position in economic and social development, firmly grasp the major opportunities of a new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, build a modern industrial system, cultivate new driving forces for development, promote reform and improve innovation ability in accordance with the requirements of accelerating the deployment of supply side structural reform, and take innovation driven, large-scale and leading upgrading as the core, Deepen international cooperation, accelerate the development and expansion of new generation of strategic emerging industries such as information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, biology, new energy vehicles, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and digital creativity, promote the vigorous development of new technologies, new products, new formats and new models in a wider range, build a manufacturing power, develop modern service industry, and promote the industry to move towards medium and high-end, We will vigorously support the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

4. The development plan for industrial technological innovation capability (2016-2020) was officially released

On October 31, 2016, in order to implement the spirit of the 13th five year plan for national economic and social development, made in China 2025, the outline of national innovation driven development strategy and the 13th five year plan for national scientific and technological innovation, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the notice on printing and distributing the 13th five year plan system of the Ministry of industry and information technology, The Ministry of industry and information technology has prepared and issued the development plan for industrial technological innovation capability (2016-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the plan).

The plan proposes to improve the industrial technology innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market orientation and the combination of government, industry, University, research and application, strive to break through the common key technologies in key fields, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity, improve the innovation ability in key links and key fields, promote the deep integration of industrialization and industrialization, and stimulate the new momentum of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", Promote China's transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power and a network power《 The plan puts forward six key tasks, including improving the industrial innovation system, strengthening the dominant position of enterprise technological innovation, increasing the development of common key technologies, improving the application ability of enterprise intellectual property rights, improving the comprehensive standardization system, and cultivating regional innovation ability. The plan also puts forward the key direction of the development of some industries in the field of industry and informatization during the 13th Five Year Plan period, Guide enterprises to strengthen technological innovation.

5. Announcement of the Ministry of industry and information technology on the key projects of industrial transformation and upgrading (made in China 2025) in 2016

On October 21, 2016, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the notice on Issuing the guidelines for key projects of industrial transformation and upgrading (made in China 2025) in 2016, and decided to organize the implementation of key projects of industrial transformation and upgrading (made in China 2025) in 2016, focusing on the tasks of made in China 2025 and the annual central work of the Ministry of industry and information technology, It mainly supports 18 key tasks in two aspects: public service platforms and facilities for industrial common technologies and solutions to key problems in key fields. Under the same conditions, give priority to supporting advantageous enterprises in the national new industrialization industry demonstration base.

6. The Ministry of industry and information technology of the people's Republic of China issued the development plan of petrochemical and chemical industry (2016-2020)

On September 29, 2016, the petrochemical and chemical industry development plan (2016-2020) was issued. The plan defined the development objectives in five aspects: economic development, structural adjustment, innovation driven, green development and the integration of the two modernizations, and put forward the implementation of innovation driven strategy, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, developing new chemical materials, promoting the deep integration of the two modernizations Strengthen the safety management of dangerous chemicals, standardize the construction of chemical parks, promote the construction of major projects and expand international cooperation.

7. The release of standardization and quality improvement plan for equipment manufacturing industry supports the implementation of made in China 2025

On August 1, 2016, AQSIQ, the National Standards Commission and the Ministry of industry and information technology jointly issued the standardization and quality improvement plan for equipment manufacturing industry《 The plan proposes that by 2020, the standard system in key areas such as industrial foundation, intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing will be basically improved, the quality and safety standards will be accelerated to integrate with international standards, the conversion rate of international standards in key areas will strive to reach more than 90%, the overall standard level of equipment manufacturing industry will be greatly improved, and the quality brand construction mechanism will be basically formed, Breakthroughs have been made in quality brand building in some key areas, and the quality of key equipment has reached or approached the international advanced level.

8. The Ministry of industry and information technology led the establishment of advanced manufacturing industry investment fund, focusing on key areas such as new materials, with an initial scale of 20 billion yuan

On June 8, 2016, the inaugural meeting of the advanced manufacturing industry investment fund was held in Beijing. The fund was initiated by the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of industry and information technology, and jointly invested and established with the national development and Investment Corporation, industrial and Commercial Bank of China and other investors. The initial scale was 20 billion yuan, of which 6 billion yuan was invested by the central government to attract social capital, It adopts limited partnership system and operates independently according to the principle of marketization. On the basis of the ten key areas of made in China 2025, we will further focus on the key areas with great market potential, good industrial foundation and in line with the industrial development trend, such as rail transit equipment, high-end ship and marine engineering equipment, industrial robots, new energy vehicles, modern agricultural machinery, high-end medical devices and drugs, new materials and so on.

9. The State Council issued the opinions to accelerate the development of maker space and serve the transformation and upgrading of the real economy

On February 18, 2016, the State Council issued the guiding opinions on accelerating the development of maker space and serving the transformation and upgrading of the real economy. The opinions defined the overall requirements, basic principles, key tasks, policy support, organization and implementation of the development of maker space《 The opinions put forward key tasks such as developing maker space in key industrial fields, encouraging leading backbone enterprises to build maker space around the main business direction, encouraging scientific research institutes and universities to build maker space around advantageous professional fields, building a number of national innovation platforms and innovation and entrepreneurship bases, and strengthening international cooperation in maker space. Including focusing on the first pilot in the industrial fields of electronic information, biotechnology, modern agriculture, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, energy conservation and environmental protection, medicine and health, cultural creativity and modern service industry, and building a maker space in the subdivided fields according to the industrial needs and common technical difficulties of the industry. Give full play to the advantages of scientific research facilities, professional teams and technology accumulation, make full use of innovation carriers such as University Science Park, engineering (Technology) research center, key laboratory and Engineering Laboratory, build a mass innovation space with scientific and technological personnel as the core and achievement transfer as the main content, and increase the effective supply of source technological innovation by gathering high-end innovation resources, Provide professional services for scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

10. The national key R & D plan was officially launched and the first batch of special guidelines were released

On February 16, 2016, the first batch of special guidelines for key R & D of the national key R & D plan was released, marking the official launch and implementation of the national key R & D plan. The management reform of the central financial science and technology plan (special projects, funds, etc.) fully launched at the end of 2014 is a key task of comprehensively deepening the reform. Its core is to address the increasingly prominent problems of duplication, dispersion, closure and inefficiency in the original plan system in accordance with the requirements of fully implementing the innovation driven development strategy, Establish an open and unified national science and technology management platform and build a new system framework and layout of science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.), strive to solve the deep-seated major problems that restrict China's science and technology plans to lead and drive innovation and development, and better promote comprehensive innovation with scientific and technological innovation as the core. The reform has condensed into two core tasks: one is to establish an open and unified national science and technology management platform, and the other is to build a new system framework and layout of science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.).

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