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The next generation of electrical insulation materials are lighter, less corrosive and easier to manufacture

2021-07-31 管理员 Read 198

With the continuous progress of equipment and infrastructure, new electrical insulation materials are being developed all over the world to meet the growing demand for performance and reliability. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, are analyzing new materials for electrical insulation or packaging that can dissipate heat more effectively than today's insulating materials.

The grid meets the needs of millions of homes and businesses and handles thousands of amperes of current, which will only get worse in the case of climate change.

The key problem is that only improving the thermal conductivity is not enough. A more comprehensive understanding of materials and multifunctional materials is needed to meet the electrical, thermal and mechanical requirements.

Focusing on only one characteristic, such as thermal conductivity, is not enough to obtain the necessary performance and service life from electronic equipment. You need to ensure that the material has high resistance, resistance to extreme temperatures, ability to handle mechanical stresses, moisture resistance, etc.

These new nanocomposites are made of polymers containing nanoparticles, which are designed to achieve the thermal performance level equivalent to metal, while retaining the advantages of polymers: light weight, not easy to corrode and easier to manufacture. The thermal conductivity of some of the most promising materials is nearly 100 times that of traditional polymers.

If we can promote electrical insulation in a holistic manner, as suggested by researchers, we can see improvements in many aspects of life. A reliable, renewable energy based grid. Faster laptop processor that won't overheat. Use air instead of scarce water to cool power plants. It is even possible to transition to electric aviation using cables that can withstand the extreme heat generated during takeoff.

In view of the global interest in the wide application of these materials, future progress can and should be carried out rapidly. This advanced multifunctional material technology may be realized as early as 2030.

Original link: 493792.html


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